

Mesutronic GmbH

Hackenfeld 13
94259 Kirchberg im Wald

+49 9927 9410 0

Chief Executive Officer: Christian Boxleitner
Court of registration: District Court Deggendorf HRB 1628
Tax ID no.: 162/132/30062
VAT reg. No.: DE 152934951

Use of our website

Mesutronic GmbH accepts no liability whatsoever for the technical availability, up-to-dateness, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided on this website. All data have been checked carefully and are based on the respectively indicated status. Our website is subject to constant expansion and change. In order to obtain the latest contents, click on ‘Refresh’ in your browser and, if necessary, empty the cache memory. All links to external websites were checked for correctness at the time of their installation. Since the Internet changes all the time, Mesutronic GmbH cannot guarantee that these links will still lead to their destination at the time of your visit, or that the contents of the linked websites will still be the same as at the time the links were set. Mesutronic GmbH expressly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete parts of this website or the entire website or to temporarily or permanently cease publication of this website.

Liability disclaimer

Liability claims relating to material or immaterial damages caused by the use or non-use of the offered information or by the use of incorrect or incomplete information are excluded. In no case will liability be accepted for damages resulting from the use of the information retrieved or from the transmission of information.The Internet works as a decentralised network with the intermediate storage and forwarding of temporary data. Therefore, the manipulation or inadvertent falsification of data on the communication route from the supplier to the user cannot currently be ruled out and the use of only current data (e.g. old version still in the cache memory) cannot currently be guaranteed. Therefore, we draw your attention to these system-related restrictions as follows:You receive these data under the conditions of the Internet. Therefore no guarantee can be given for the correctness of the data or for its correspondence to the original data.In a judgement on 12 May 1998, the Hamburg Regional Court ruled that anyone placing links on his website can be held jointly responsible for the contents of the webpages linked to. According to the Regional Court, this can only be prevented by expressly dissociating oneself from these contents. We have set links to other webpages. The following applies to all of these links:We stress that we do not have any influence whatsoever on the contents or the design of the webpages linked to. Therefore we hereby dissociate ourselves expressly from all contents of all webpages linked to from our webpages. We do not adopt the contents of these webpages as our own. This declaration applies to all links installed on our webpages and to the contents of all webpages to which the installed links lead. This declaration also applies to all contents of webpages to which banners lead, and to forwarding links.The above conditions of use and the liability disclaimer contained therein are fundamental components of the Mesutronic GmbH website. They also apply without restriction in such cases where the Mesutronic GmbH website is linked to from other third party websites.If any parts of these conditions of use or the liability disclaimer do not conform, no longer conform or do not completely conform to current legislation, this does not affect the validity of the remaining parts of the of the conditions of use or the liability disclaimer.

Copyright, brand marks and trademarks

The contents and presentation of this website are protected by copyright. For copyright reasons, the saving and duplication in particular of the pictorial and/or graphical material shown here is not permitted. The pages may not be changed; copies may neither be distributed nor used for communication to the public. Any commercial use requires the prior written permission of Mesutronic GmbH. The Mesutronic GmbH logo may only be used by third parties with the permission of Mesutronic GmbH. Insofar as the Mesutronic GmbH website contains protected trademarks or other marks, these are subject without restriction to the regulations of the respective trademark rights as well as the ownership rights of the respective owners.

E-mail security

If you send us an e-mail, then your e-mail address will only be used for the purposes of correspondence with you. In view of the known risks, no sensitive information should be sent by e-mail.