Sustainability in bakery production – with X-ray technology

The safest way to check products for foreign bodies is to inspect them when they are in sealed primary packaging. As a closing mechanism, metal clips pose a special challenge. Mesutronic’s X-ray inspection systems have been the solution for the Austrian company Rudolf Ölz Meisterbäcker GmbH & Co KG in Dornbirn.

Quality assurance in small-scale enterprises

Metal detection - perfectly integrated into the production line

Metal detection – perfectly integrated into the production line


Quality assurance between artisanal and industrial production

For companies with a small-scale manufacturing background, such as Seidl Confiserie GmbH, foreign body management programs must be tailored to the individual production processes. Flexibility, innovation and usability are particularly important here.

From Kenya to the Upper Palatinate

In general, the quality of the food served near motorways leaves a lot to be desired. But not on the A3 motorway between Regensburg and Nuremberg. Right next to the junction for the town of Laaber, you can find delicacies from Africa and all over the world, refined by Seidl Confiserie GmbH. Their story began in the late 80s with Managing Director Johann Seidl’s passion for travel and chocolate.

The first product, an edible milk jug in a delicate light brown, is still an integral part of the product portfolio today. The macadamia nut, whose triumphant progress across Europe’s confectionery shelves began here, is also still one of the cornerstones of the company. In contrast to the modest early days, over 85 employees now process more than 250 tons of raw materials annually, manufacturing a wide variety of products such as pralines, spreads, snacks, chocolates and baked goods.

In addition to ever-growing online sales in Germany, Japan is the next company target. “Unique products of the highest quality, such as our new praline cake, are the key to this. They will help us to gain a foothold in this demanding market,” comments Johann Seidl.

Naturally, continuous growth means upgrading production to industrial standards. Nevertheless, at Confiserie Seidl, the core values of an artisanal manufacturer are still evident. These are crafting skills, an eye for detail, the drive for innovation and, above all, love for the product.


Making good things even better, coating almonds

Making good things even better, coating almonds


Small batches result in complex tasks

Expanding the idea of a small-scale manufacturer to over 1,000 individual products in different pack sizes brings unique challenges. Particularly when large quantities of the most popular products have to be produced or large orders fulfilled. Up to 12 different products are run on one line per production shift. Delays in setting-up therefore have a massive impact on daily production. Short and efficient cleaning routines are equally important. Individual customer requests or new types of products have to go into serial production quickly in order to meet delivery times or to satisfy the latest consumer trends.

“Our business is demanding, but it’s never boring,” says Jakob Hilber with a grin. As Marketing Manager, in collaboration with Mr Seidl, he is the person who repeatedly confronts the production department with new creative challenges.

Profitable through tradition and innovation

Various factors are decisive in being able to solve such complex tasks profitably. First of all, your own employees must be flexible and excellently trained. For the majority of products, one or more steps are carried out by hand. This includes filling the cream-cocoa-almonds in the coating drum to delicately writing an individual chocolate telegram.

Just as important is a machine program that is perfectly tailored to our application. At Seidl Confiserie GmbH, lovingly restored older systems are used for special jobs, such as an old fine grinding mill. It is used for the sugar layer of the red-coated peanuts everyone remembers from childhood. By contrast, modern vertical form fill seal machines or pouring stations are also in use. When it comes to quality assurance in particular, the company does not just rely on every employee’s trained eye.

“The high number of manual production stages helps us avoid many quality defects before they occur”, says Johann Seidl, “but there are also problems that cannot be identified by touch or sight.” In a company that processes such a large number of natural products, the presence of foreign bodies is always a relevant subject for risk assessment. For detecting metal, Mesutronic GmbH from Kirchberg im Wald is the partner of choice.


Uncompromising safety for all pack sizes

Uncompromising safety for all pack sizes


From specialists for specialists

The METRON 07 CI tunnel metal detectors used on TRANSTRON conveyor belts perfectly meet the requirements of flexibility, ease of cleaning and high performance. Setting up new products is intuitive and quick for every operator. Large, smooth running rollers, guided cable guiding and a design with as few protruding parts as possible enable simple changes of location from line to line while minimizing the risk of damage.

AMD07 electronic series devices boast exceptional performance in detection. In this way, a generous opening size can be chosen in the layout phase without breaking good manufacturing practices. During operation, this allows a broad product portfolio to be examined across minimal different system sizes. Traceable and seamless reporting can be done directly on the machine itself without necessarily having to establish a connection to the company network.

“The requirements of manufacturing companies with an artisanal background are well known to us,” explains Christian Boxleitner, Director of Sales at Mesutronic . “When it comes to machine engineering, we also lean in an artisanal direction. Most of our systems are specially modified for each customer and thereby perfectly tailored to their needs.”

It is precisely this focus on satisfying customer needs to the highest level that unites Seidl Confiserie GmbH and Mesutronic GmbH. This results in a solid partnership, complementing each other like nuts and chocolate.

Mesutronic presents itself at ProSweets Cologne

The ProSweets in Cologne opens its doors from 2 to 5 May 2020. The ProSweets offers the complete product range of the confectionery and snack industry and, together with the world’s leading trade fair, the ISM, maps the complete value-added chain of the industry.

At Booth H 030 in Hall 10.1 we will be informing trade visitors about the large selection of foreign body monitoring systems for ensuring product quality and protecting production plants.

Our trade fair team is looking forward to the ProSweets in Cologne and to numerous interesting trade discussions on the subject of “Metal detection – made in Germany” by Mesutronic.

Creating added value with X-ray technology

Modern X-ray technology – clear and easy to operate

Modern X-ray technology – clear and easy to operate


Creating added value with X-ray technology

X-ray systems secure the product quality and improve the production sequences at the Bavarian company Privatmolkerei Bechtel.

From a small brook to a large river

The picturesque Naab meanders gently through the Upper Palatinate. It grows from a brook to a river over its course from the source near Weiden to where it flows into the Danube near Regensburg. The Schwarzenfeld-based Privatmolkerei Bechtel has also grown from modest beginnings into a large company in the 110 years of its history. Managing director René Guhl is the head of the family company in the fourth generation. Over one million litres of milk are processed daily at the constantly expanding company headquarters. The main products are yoghurt, liquid milk and cream cheese. Production runs 365 days a year in a four-shift system.

Challenging production process

The processing of raw milk into consumer products consists of complex steps. Products such as quark, hard cheese, drinking milk or butter are produced by means of separators, butter churning machines, milk pasteurisers, filling and packing machines and many more besides. The individual process sequences differ with each end product. The mixture of manual work and the use of machinery is a further challenging feature of the manufacture of milk products.

Hazards are created by material abrasion on the processing machines, wire breakages or the ingress of foreign materials through maintenance work on the building and plants. Even with the greatest of care as at Privatmolkerei Bechtel, safeguards therefore cannot be dispensed with along the way to zero-error production. In addition to the safeguarding performance itself, however, the acquisition of operating data and the complete traceability of these control systems must be possible.


Double-track ejection for minimum wastage

Double-track ejection for minimum wastage


Security with a benefit

“When it came to foreign body inspection it quickly became clear that conventional metal detectors are not suitable for many of our products”, says Dr. Thomas Strixner, who is responsible for the “Quality and Product” business division at the dairy works in the Naab valley. Metallic components are part of the packaging for many products, a typical example being the aluminium seals of yoghurt pots. “After an in-depth consideration of the alternative – industrial X-ray technology – we quickly became aware of further benefits.” Most available X-ray scanners use standardised Industrial PCs with the corresponding operating systems and are thus very simple to integrate into company networks. “A great advantage of this technology was also that even the weighing of the individual products in the bulk packaging was possible with the appropriate algorithms.”

Delivery form represents a special problem in the production of yoghurt. The yoghurt pots are filled and then packed into cartons immediately afterwards. The weighing of the individual products is thus no longer possible. However, an X-ray scanner is capable of visually separating the products and weighing them by means of density differences. Using classic weighing technology it might not be possible to discover a single underweight yoghurt pot, because several slightly overfilled beakers are possible in a carton. The total weight would then lie within the tolerance despite a single faulty product.


Weighing by density and foreign body inspection in combination

Weighing by density and foreign body inspection in combination


Networked and reliable – the right partner

“The integration of X-ray inspection systems into existing production lines is always a challenge. In this case Mesutronic GmbH offered us the best package for the project planning, the commissioning and the training of personnel”, says Dr. Strixner. A total of six X-ray inspection systems of the type “easyScope” check various products, including inspecting butter in two-track operation or quark in cartons for contamination with foreign bodies or quality defects. They are integrated into the production data acquisition system as well as the company network.

This enables the central acquisition of OEE data on the one hand and the traceable and archive-compliant reporting of performance tests on the other. Apart from that, the manufacturer’s technicians can access the plants for remote maintenance after clearance by Privatmolkerei Bechtel.

Karl-Heinz Dürrmeier, managing director of the specialists for foreign body detection from Lower Bavaria, has a clear opinion when it comes to connectivity: “In the era of digitisation and Industry 4.0 it’s no longer enough just to supply a self-contained, good machine. Our systems are networked in a complex production environment and actively contribute to the supply of an error-free product of the highest quality to the consumer.”

This final goal is shared by both Privatmolkerei Bechtel and Mesutronic GmbH.

Mesutronic at the FachPack 2019 in Nuremberg

Fachpack 2019

On September 24, 2019, the FachPack in Nuremberg begins. More than 1,500 exhibitors present machines and materials for packaging technology for three days. Once again, Mesutronic presents a wide range of foreign body control systems in hall 4 / booth 342.

On our booth, we also show the easySCOPE X-ray inspection system. This system is mainly used for the quality control of packed products and impresses with its easy way to use. The easySCOPE also provides excellent value for a mid-range system.

Many other exhibits, and of course our team of experts, are looking forward to many visitors in Nuremberg. Visit us in hall 4 / booth 342 and experience “Metal Detection made in Germany”.

Mesutronic presents itself at the IFFA 2019

From the 4th to the 9th May 2019 IFFA opens its doors in Frankfurt am Main. As the world’s leading trade fair for the meat industry, it brings together all players from industry, retail trade and butcher’s trade.

This year’s presentation revolves around digitalization and process optimization. On display is for one the “Automatic protocol export” feature for all AMD 07 systems. With this, conforming monitoring and storage of system events and testing procedures becomes easier then ever. For another new reject material bin options for contaminated sausage meat open new possibilities in the filling process.

Our experts consult you in hall 11.0, booth D23.



Four-eyes principle regarding contaminant checks

The easySCOPE contaminant detector in action

The easySCOPE contaminant detector in action


Extensive safety by means of combining metal detectors and x-ray scanners at the works of the Bavarian confectionery production company Otto Beier Waffelfabrik GmbH.

The high-tech safety technology provided by the company Mesutronic is currently ensuring contaminant-free end products at Otto Beier Waffelfabrik GmbH in Miltach/Upper Palatinate (Cham district). Modern metal detectors and x-ray scanners are utilised to check around one million cereal bars per week, before these are stocked on shop shelves.

Quality as a tradition

There is an aromatic scent in the air of the production hall: Up to 100 different raw materials, such as dried fruit, nuts or cereals are added to the cereal bars. “In order to ensure that our end consumers only have access to clean products, we have taken precautions by way of a double safety system,” says Markus Beier (43), Commercial Managing Director of Otto Waffelfabrik GmbH, which applies strict criteria in terms of the respective quality. This is in line with a tradition, which has been practised for more than 80 years.

And today more than ever, as a number of fruit and cereal bars are being produced for reputable manufacturers, in addition to the waffle products and foamy sugar goods produced and sold from the own brand. In this context, the company Beier is consulted as a specialist, especially in terms of products associated with organic goods, baby quality or sustainability.

The risk of contamination

The company Beier only utilises the best possible raw materials. But by processing natural products, there is always a risk of production contamination by various means. Amongst other things, Beier buys approximately 3,000 tons of fruit per year: “It is normal that during harvest, stones, metal particles or pellets from hunters may get into the raw material,” according to Markus Beier. Nutshells also pose an unavoidable risk in terms of raw materials. The company Beier decided to explore as to how the safety of the end consumer could be further improved. In principle, it is possible to apply two established processes in order to check the respective end products, x-ray checks and inductive metal detection.


Markus Beier with contaminants (stones) identified by x-ray scanners over a period of 6 months

Markus Beier with contaminants (stones) identified by x-ray scanners over a period of 6 months


X-ray inspection systems – versatile and innovative

X-ray detection is an imaging process. The radiation produced by the x-ray generator is transformed into an image by means of the diode array in the receiver and a processing unit. The product to be checked blocks part of the radiation and is therefore illustrated by means of various shades of grey. An increase in density, thickness and atomic mass reinforce this effect, the image will become darker and darker. The respective contaminations, such as most metals, glass, high-density plastic or stones have a high density and atomic mass. Therefore, they can be clearly distinguished from the surrounding product, even in case of a relatively low level of thickness, and may therefore be identified. However, very thin metallic contaminations, such as fine shearing or metallised foil may be problematic. If not enough radiation is absorbed, the contamination cannot be recognised by the scanner’s image-processing algorithms.

Inductive metal detectors – tried and tested specialists

Metal detectors, which work in line with the so-called “balanced coil” principle, are able to check products by means of an alternately poled magnetic field, which induces electric tension in the receiving coils. You will be able to identify metallic contaminations on the basis of electric conductibility and magnetic permeability. It is even possible to identify contaminants with a low density or thickness. However, thin metallised packaging components may, in turn, lead to a reduction in the general level of detection.

Especially in terms of the products of the Firma Beier, which are to be well checked, the level of detection achieved by the metal detector in regard to iron and aluminium particles is generally better than the results achieved by the x-ray scanner. Regarding the utilisation of metallised packaging components, this is more difficult. For these products, x-ray scanners are almost always superior in regard to metals.

Risk evaluation and identification of solutions

Due to the various unavoidable risks concerning raw materials, and following a HACCP-compliant risk evaluation, the only suitable tool for contaminant checking appeared to be x-ray technology. This technology identifies the broadest range of contaminants within the finished products. Furthermore, the technology offers additional quality assurance tools, such as counting options or checks for breakage. Following the finding, a suitable partner was to be identified. “We decided to go with the easyScope x-ray inspection systems provided by Mesutronic GmbH. They were able to offer an optimum compromise in regard to user friendliness and detection accuracy, the implementation project and respective start-up were carried out without any problems,” says Alexander Beier (45), Technical Managing Director of Otto Beier Waffelfabrik GmbH.


Double safety at the line - Alexander Beier in the process of checking the equipment installed by Mesutronic

Double safety at the line – Alexander Beier in the process of checking the equipment installed by Mesutronic


The silver bullet – combining technologies and protecting consumers

In order to protect consumers as best as possible, the company Beier not only decided to invest in modern x-ray systems, but also to combine both processes. All lines were furthermore equipped with Metron 07 CI tunnel metal detectors. The metal detection systems specialise in all types of metallic contaminations.

Firstly, and as far as possible, they remove all bars, which are contaminated with pellets, shearing as well as pieces of wire or similar items. The x-ray systems, in turn, specialise in non-metallic contaminations, such as stones, shells or glass. They also improve the detection performance in terms of products with metallised packaging. Per line, up to 600 bars per minute are forwarded to secondary packaging as well as delivered to shops and, finally, end consumers. And all this with a certain advantage in regard to quality, which both the company Otto Beier Waffelfabrik GmbH, as well as Mesutronic GmbH vouch for.

Mesutronic France SAS at the Europack Euromanut CFIA LYON

Our team at the Europack Euromanut CFIA Lyon


Our French subsidiary Mesutronic France SAS will be represented at the Europack Euromanut CFIA in Lyon from 21 to 23 November 2017. The trade fair for food packaging and the food industry is regarded as an important meeting place and information platform for the industry. At Booth C58 – D57 we will be presenting several highlights from the Mesutronic portfolio for the food industry to our trade fair visitors.

easySCOPE X-ray inspection appliance

Amongst other things, the trade visitors can experience the easySCOPE X-ray inspection appliance at the booth. The foreign body detector is used for the quality control of finally packaged products using X-ray radiation.

METRON 07 CI metal detector

The high-end METRON 07 CI tunnel detector on the TRANSTRON S conveyor belt system is equipped with state-of-the-art multi-frequency technology and many new software features. In conjunction with the fully automatic autoTEST testing system, the METRON 07 CI is ideally suited to outgoing goods checks.

QUICKTRON O7 RH HyQ Clean metal separator

A further highlight at the Europack Euromanut CFIA is the QUICKTRON O7 RH HyQ Clean metal separator for the examination of bulk goods. The separator meets the highest hygiene requirements in the food industry.

MEATLINE 07 O metal separator

For the meat industry, too, we have the ideal appliance for our local customers. The MEATLINE 07 O examines pasty and liquid meat products and is attached to a vacuum filler.

We look forward to numerous technical discussions on the subjects of the protection of production equipment and the assurance of product quality.

Mesutronic exhibits once again at the POWTECH 2017 in Nuremberg

The POWTECH runs from 26 to 28 September 2017 in Nuremberg and will once again be the platform for further development and innovation connected with processes used to manufacture and handle quality products from powders, granulates, bulk materials and fluids.

Reliable metal detectors are a must

In order to be able to make quality products, every manufacturer requires reliable metal detectors and separators for checking its product quality so that contaminants can be detected and the contaminated product removed from the production process. At Booth 2-140 we are once again presenting appliances that are used to ensure product quality and to protect production machines.

QUICKTRON 07 RH for bulk materials in free-fall

The QUICKTRON 07 RH metal separator is a particular highlight in the bulk materials sector. The separator reliably sorts out metals as loose particles or inclusions without interrupting the process. The appliance is immune to external interference and, thanks to its compact design, is simple to integrate. Its hygienic design is particularly user-friendly. The ejection flap of the QUICKTRON 07 RH can not only be dismounted in a matter of seconds without tools, but also allows comprehensive cleaning.

TRANSTRON XL for the examination of sacks

Also at the Mesutronic booth, trade fair visitors can experience the special TRANSTRON XL conveying system for the transport of piece and bulk goods in the production process. The conveying system allows the integration of a metal detector from the METRON 07 CI series for reliable examination of the products. The metal detection system not only offers budget-saving individual solutions, but also long-term trouble-free metal detection results.

PHARMATRON 07 HQ for tablet presses and dedusting systems

We offer the PHARMATRON 07 HQ mobile metal separator for the pharmaceuticals industry. The separator is used for the examination of tablets and pills and fits every tablet press and deduster. The appliance impresses with top detection results and its fast ejection flap ensures minimum loss of material in case metal is detected. All parts that come into contact with the product can be dismounted quickly without tools for fast, optimum cleaning.

Mesutronic experts looking forward to meeting visitors

All interested trade visitors are welcome to come to the Mesutronic trade fair booth and see for themselves our reliable metal detectors and separators, which are indispensable for ensuring product quality. Out experts will be pleased to advise you and look forward to welcoming numerous trade fair visitors.

Great interest in Mesutronic foreign-body detectors at the Interpack

The Interpack, the leading trade fair for the packaging industry in Duesseldorf, drew to a close on 10 May 2017. Over a period of seven days, international exhibitors presented all the new items for the value creation chain in the packaging industry.

Packaging industry influences all branches of industry

The packaging industry is of prime important for all other branches of industry. No product is conceivable without the complex manufacturing processes. For this reason it is important for producers to ensure the quality of the products. Faulty product deliveries result in recalls and complaints, which cause high financial damages.

X-ray technology is ideal for securing product quality

For securing the quality of our customers’ products we presented our easySCOPE X-ray inspection system for inspecting packaged products at the Interpack. The X-ray appliance detects metallic and non-metallic contaminants such as glass, stones or plastics using an imaging technique – X-ray technology. However, other product defects can also be detected with the help of X-ray technology, such as the correct number of chocolates in a box or the ruling out or presence of sealing clips.

easySCOPE impresses with its price/performance ratio

The X-ray scanner impresses with its safety and reliability in the running process and saves time and money with its outstanding price/performance ratio. The inspection system is rounded off by simple operation and its high-quality, low-maintenance components plus extensive data management.

Great demand for multi-frequency technology

Our newly-developed multi-frequency technology was the subject of great demand at the trade fair booth. Optionally available for the METRON 07 CI high metal detector, this technology significantly reduces the work of setting up a metal detector, especially in the case of difficult products with a fluctuating product effect or packaging sizes.

New algorithm reduces work

With learning optimisation activated and the specification of a minimum detection standard to be adhered to, a new software algorithm determines – fully automatically – the maximum tolerance to any existing product fluctuations and disruptive influences. Furthermore, the detection accuracy determined thereby is displayed directly on the display after each learning process in the form of ball sizes for each type of metal.

Great interest in Mesutronic metal detection technology

The Interpack 2017 in Duesseldorf was a great success for us on account of the many interesting technical discussions and a large number of valuable contacts.

The next Mesutronic trade fair is the LIGNA in Hanover. At Booth H 46 in Hall 25 you can experience once again “Metal Detection Made in Germany” for the wood industry.